10/08/24 - Planned Courthouse Power Outage
On Saturday October 26,2024:
The Amador Superior Court Courthouse will be without power for most of the day, starting early in the morning, due to a planned building electrical repair procedure.

This repair requires that all electrical power be shutoff to the building, and as such, ALL INFORMATION SYSTEMS will be offline, which include
the phone system and all computer systems, such as,
the Court and Jury Websites ( used for Jury Duty reporting.)

If you are required to check for pending Jury Duty Service,
please check the proceeding Friday, or late afternoon/evening on Saturday
(as the systems are expected to be up later in the day)
or anytime Sunday.

 We have no expected  uptime for the systems at this time.
10/01/24 - Notice of TC Baseline Budget for FY 24-25
Click to see Baseline Budget Notice.
09/26/24 - Comment on Proposed Local Rules of Court
The Court invites comment on the proposed Local Rules of Court.

Click to see the News Release.
Click to see the Revision Summary Document.
07/24/24 - FY 2024-25 Court Budget Allocation Notice
Pursuant to California Rule of Court 10.620(f), Amador County Superior Court hereby gives notice of its receipt of the annual trial court budget allocation from the Judicial Council of California.

Click here to view.
07/16/24 - Jury Scam Calls
WARNING Bogus phone calls, emails on jury service may lead to fraud. If you receive a phone call, text, or email notifying you that you’re in big trouble for failing to show up for jury service, be suspicious. It’s probably a scam.

Please be advised that while court personnel may occasionally call prospective jurors at home, we will never ask for social security numbers or any other personal identifying information, other than your name.

You are encouraged to report such calls to the local Sacramento FBI office especially if you are able to identify the incoming caller's Caller ID.
07/09/2024 - Cooling Center Opened
The City of Jackson will open it's Cooling Center in the Civic Center at City Hall (33 Broadway) during 100+ degree weather through the summer to Jackson residents in need of cool air and respite.
Please stay cool and safe out there!
CLICK HERE  for heat illness warnings.
03/18/2024 - Grand Jury Notice Response
When returning your Grand Jury Notice please complete the physical Salmon colored form, do not use the online web submission which is for Trial Jury Summons Responses.
12/21/2023 - Proposed Baseline Budget Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Click to view the FY23/24 Public Budget Notice and Proposed Budget
01/16/2023 - Financial Hardships
If you are experiencing a financial hardship and cannot afford to pay the full amount of a fine for an infraction offense (including most traffic tickets),
you may ask the court to reduce the amount you owe by making a request at
09/28/22 - Proposed Local Rules
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Amador Superior Court invites Comments on
Proposed Local Rules of Court.
07/09/22 - When signing up for a new account on the eCourt Search Portal
When you are creating a new account in the online eCourt search portal, or requesting a password, the system states that a new password will be sent to you. Not all such emails are getting thru to customers.

We suggest that once you create the account, send an email to  and he will send you a password. 
Thank You for your Patience and Understanding.
07/06/22 - Remote Appearance Policy Update
Click to review the Updated Remote Appearance Policy.


The Physical Location & Mailing address is:
500 Argonaut Lane, Jackson, CA.95642 (Click for Google Map)

The Courthouse is open Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

The Courthouse is open for public access: 8AM to 5PM
The Clerk’s Office is open 9AM-3PM M-F.

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Amador Superior Court is dedicated to serving the public by providing justice in an equal, fair, accessible, efficient, and courteous manner. The Court strives to achieve said goals by applying the law consistently and impartially to resolve disputes and by providing superb customer service to all patrons.